2012-09-05 - Double Lady Bird Lake Loop - Austin Texas


~21 miles @ ~11.8 min/mi

"Remember those girls rubbing suntan lotion on each other?" At 0545 the brain plays funny tricks. When I reach the AMLI South Shore apartment complex path I have to decide whether to venture down the eroded sandy slope and back up again, or take the short sidewalk route. Then the old noggin recalls the sight two days ago (during the 2012-09-03 - Lady Bird Lake Loop - Austin Texas). Decision made. No matter that it's dark now, and no lovely lasses are preparing to tan!

But in pre-dawn gloom instead of bikini-clad beauties I spy a low-to-the-ground glowing red light. What can it be? A one-eyed Hound of the Baskervilles? Ah, no — upon closer approach it resolves into a little dog with a crimson LED beacon on his collar, roaming off-leash at the dock while owners chat nearby.

The shirt comes off at mile 6 after I'm sweaty-wet. Today the dominant lady's fashion statement is peach-hued shirts, and for males burnt-orange University of Texas shorts. I reach my Mom's car at mile 10.5 and circle around it, resisting the temptation to stop. During the second loop detour signs proliferate on the pathway as tree-trimming crews eye drooping limbs and prepare to clear brush. Runners ignore the cautions and proceed.

Sudden near panic at mile 14: I reach back and unzip my fanny-pack pouch only to find it empty. No electrolyte capsules could be bad news. Fortunately, however, feeling around the area saves the day: apparently the plastic bag of e-caps — critical on this warm and humid day — got accidentally tucked not in the proper compartment but between the bum bag and my, ah, bum. No harm. I continue to take a Succeed! every half hour and walk one minute every five.

At journey's end add an extra hundred feet to ensure that both iPhone Runkeeper and Garmin GPS distance figures exceed 21.00 miles. Then setting off for my Mother's home, half a block away I hear a "thump". Stray acorn hitting the roof? But then further noises make me stop, look back, laugh, return, and get the bottle and bag I forgetfully left on the car roof. Fortunately no passing cars have crushed them.

^z - 2012-09-19